Landy Derek
21/07/2014. Agregados libros 1-2 y 3-8 en inglés.
14/04/2016. Agregados libros 3-4 en español.
1 - Skulduggery Pleasant
una chica de 12 años, recibe en herencia la casa de su tío, un conocido
autor de novelas de misterio. Por una serie de circunstancias, Stephanie
convence a su madre para que le deje pasar una noche a solas en casa de
su tío. Y tiene el mejor de los planes: galletas, un vaso de leche y la
novela que estaba escribiendo su tío antes de morir. Pero la noche se
trunca peligrosa cuando un desconocido que está buscando algo en casa de
su tío casi mata a Stephanie.
Skulduggery Pleasant, un extraño tipo ataviado con una gabardina, una
bufanda y un sombrero de ala ancha -muy ancha- al que Stephanie ha
conocido durante la lectura del testamento, surge de la nada, salvándola
de la agresión del violento desconocido.
Durante la refriega,
Skulduggery pierde parte de su atuendo dejando a la vista su verdadera
apariencia: la de un esqueleto viviente. De la mano de Skulduggery,
Stepanhie se adentrará en el mundo de magia y peligros que aguarda justo
bajo nuestros pies.
2 - Jugando con Fuego
Jugando con
Fuego es la segunda novela protagonizada por Skulduggery, el detective
esqueleto con poderes mágicos y su ayudante de 13 años Valquiria Cain.
pesar de haberle ganado la primera batalla a las fuerzas del mal, la
lucha continua y en esta ocasión, Skulduggery y Valquiria, secundados
por sus amigos, deberán impedir a toda costa que su archienemigo, el
Baron Vengues consiga encontrar la armadura de Lord Vile, un objeto que
concede poder ilimitado a su propietario y con el que, entre otras
cosas, pretende resucitar a los Sin Rostro, personajes tan poderosos que
es mejor no tener como enemigos.
3 - Los Sin Rostro
Tercera entrega de la
saga "Skulduggery Pleasant: detective esqueleto", en la que la
coprotagonista Valquiria Caín aprende a hacerse independiente... a la
Valquiria y Skulduggery siguen con su rutina cotidiana: un poco de magia, algún delincuente mágico al que atrapar...
Pero la normalidad no dura mucho, porque un nuevo enemigo está confabulando para traer a los Sin Rostro de nuevo a la Tierra y acabar con la Humanidad; se trata de la Diablería, una sociedad secreta y muy peligrosa. Valquiria y su mentor tratan de salvar el mundo una vez más; pero con el nuevo Gran Mago en su contra, las cosas se ponen muy difíciles...
Valquiria y Skulduggery siguen con su rutina cotidiana: un poco de magia, algún delincuente mágico al que atrapar...
Pero la normalidad no dura mucho, porque un nuevo enemigo está confabulando para traer a los Sin Rostro de nuevo a la Tierra y acabar con la Humanidad; se trata de la Diablería, una sociedad secreta y muy peligrosa. Valquiria y su mentor tratan de salvar el mundo una vez más; pero con el nuevo Gran Mago en su contra, las cosas se ponen muy difíciles...
4 - Días Oscuros
Skulduggery Pleasant ha quedado atrapado en el universo de los Sin
Rostro. Ahora Valquiria trata de traerle de vuelta, para lo que necesita
un artefacto llamado Ancla Istmo: la antigua calavera del detective
Con la ayuda de sus dotes naturales para la necromancia, Valquiria logra recuperar a su mentor. Pero la tranquilidad no existe para el detective y su banda de colaboradores: cuando Skulduggery retorna a la Tierra, es solo para encontrarse con una alianza de grandes malhechores que buscan vengarse de todos los que les han perjudicado, empezando por Valquiria y el propio detective esqueleto.
Para ello, se proponen usar un artefacto mágico conocido como la Máquina de la Desolación, de efectos devastadores. Una vez más, Skulduggery Pleasant y su banda logran desactivar los planes de los malvados. Sí, está claro que el esqueleto y Valquiria son capaces de combatir todas las amenazas externas… Lo malo es que, al final del libro, Valquiria descubre con horror que tal vez la mayor amenaza provenga de sí misma.
Con la ayuda de sus dotes naturales para la necromancia, Valquiria logra recuperar a su mentor. Pero la tranquilidad no existe para el detective y su banda de colaboradores: cuando Skulduggery retorna a la Tierra, es solo para encontrarse con una alianza de grandes malhechores que buscan vengarse de todos los que les han perjudicado, empezando por Valquiria y el propio detective esqueleto.
Para ello, se proponen usar un artefacto mágico conocido como la Máquina de la Desolación, de efectos devastadores. Una vez más, Skulduggery Pleasant y su banda logran desactivar los planes de los malvados. Sí, está claro que el esqueleto y Valquiria son capaces de combatir todas las amenazas externas… Lo malo es que, al final del libro, Valquiria descubre con horror que tal vez la mayor amenaza provenga de sí misma.
5 - Mortal Coil
Following the shocking revelations of DARK DAYS, get ready for the fifth
instalment of the bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series -- guaranteed
to contain at least 40% humour, 50% action, and 100% thrills! "The
blonde girl with the black lips turned to Valkyrie. 'We know,' she said.
'We've seen the future.
We know you're going to kill the world!'"
Skulduggery Pleasant is back, and reunited with his original head. But
all is not well in the magical world. For one thing, there's an
unstoppable assassin with a face-mask on the loose! and for another
thing, Valkyrie has discovered she might be Darquesse, the evil
sorceress set to destroy the entire world. The problem is, she doesn't
feel she can tell Skulduggery what she's learned, and so she must try to
change her terrible destiny alone. But the price of a new fate is high,
and if she fails, she'll die alone too.
With Valkyrie on her own quest,
Skulduggery and the gang are even more vulnerable. Which is a shame,
because remember that remnant the Necromancers had? They've still got it
-- and they're thinking about letting it out!
6 - Death Bringer
The sixth instalment in the historic, hysterical and horrific
Skulduggery Pleasant series. Think you've seen anything yet? You
haven't. Because the Death Bringer is about to rise...
The Necromancers no longer need Valkyrie to be their Death Bringer, and that's a Good Thing.
There's just one catch. There's a reason the Necromancers don't need her any more. And that's because they've found their Death Bringer already, the person who will dissolve the doors between life and death.
And that's a very, very Bad Thing...
The Necromancers no longer need Valkyrie to be their Death Bringer, and that's a Good Thing.
There's just one catch. There's a reason the Necromancers don't need her any more. And that's because they've found their Death Bringer already, the person who will dissolve the doors between life and death.
And that's a very, very Bad Thing...
7 - Kingdom of the Wicked
The seventh instalment in the biggest, funniest, most thrilling
comedy-horror-adventure series in the universe - and the follow-up to
2011's number-one bestseller, Death Bringer...
Magic is a disease.
Across the land, normal people are suddenly developing wild and unstable powers. Infected by a rare strain of magic, they are unwittingly endangering their own lives and the lives of the people around them. Terrified and confused, their only hope lies with the Sanctuary. Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain are needed now more than ever.
And then there's the small matter of Kitana. A normal teenage girl who, along with her normal teenage friends, becomes infected. Becomes powerful. Becomes corrupted. Wielding the magic of gods, they're set to tear the city apart unless someone stands up against them.
Looks like it's going to be another one of those days...
Magic is a disease.
Across the land, normal people are suddenly developing wild and unstable powers. Infected by a rare strain of magic, they are unwittingly endangering their own lives and the lives of the people around them. Terrified and confused, their only hope lies with the Sanctuary. Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain are needed now more than ever.
And then there's the small matter of Kitana. A normal teenage girl who, along with her normal teenage friends, becomes infected. Becomes powerful. Becomes corrupted. Wielding the magic of gods, they're set to tear the city apart unless someone stands up against them.
Looks like it's going to be another one of those days...
8 - Last Stand of Dead Men
The eighth instalment in the biggest, funniest, most
thrilling comedy-horror-adventure series in the universe - and the
follow-up to 2012’s number-one bestseller, Kingdom of the Wicked… War has finally come.
But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark – it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making.
But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.
But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark – it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making.
But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.
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